Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Science- What is water anyway


"Hair on your skin can hold water droplets too. A hairy leg may get sunburned more quickly than a shaved one."

I think that was interesting, because it kind of makes sense. I just never really thought about, if it would make a difference, whether I had shaved my legs when I tanned.

"Good gardeners know not to water plants during the day. Droplets clinging to the leaves can act as little magnifying glasses, focusing sunlight and causing the plants to burn."

I find that interesting because I always thought, that watering plants would be best in sunlight.

"Although many doctors tell patients to drink eight glasses of water a day, there is no scientific evidence to support this advice."

That is an interesting fact because, the next time my dad tells me to drink more water, I can just tell him to go check my blog!

"The misinformation might have come from a 1945 report recommending that Americans consume about “1 milliliter of water for each calorie of food,” which amounts to 8 or 10 cups a day. But the report added that much of that water comes from food—a nuance many people apparently missed."

I think it's funny that a lot of people, don't pay attention to such an important fact.

"Call waterholics anonymous: Drinking significantly more water than is needed can cause “water intoxication” and lead to fatal cerebral and pulmonary edema. Amateur marathon runners have died this way."

This is what doctors should be telling us, or at least mentioning that we shouldn't over do drinking water.

5. Facts I found about water:

1. 3.575 million people die each year from water-related disease.

2. A human can survive for a month or more without eating food, but only a week or so without drinking water.

3. One litre of spilled petrol can pollute 750,000 litres of water.

4. The kidneys will require time to adjust to new water intake level. This can cause someone who drinks a lot of water to become dehydrated more easily than someone who routinely drinks less.

5. The average person in the United States uses 80 to 100 gallons of water each day. During medieval times a person used only 5 gallons per day.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Science - Helium.

This blog is about Helium, and how it is beginning to be rare on earth.

I think that the reason that helium is so rare on earth, and very common in the universe, is because we are using so much of the helium on earth, that there just is not enough of it.

We need helium for many different things like for example testing rockets safely, or something even more important, like using medichal MRI machines. If we don't have anymore helium on earth, then things that have taken humans many years to figure out, we will soon either not be able to develop, or use at all.

We could start researching for alternatives, that we could use instead of helium in some cases. If we started using alternatives, for some of the things where we would usually use helium, then we'd be able to use less of our helium, and in that way, we could maybe have helium for longer than we thought. We would also already have alternatives, that we could use for some of the things that we would need to do, when helium is gone.

I think we could get stuck in the same situation with other elements too, espiacially with the elements that are most important to us, and that we use the most. We might get stuck in a really bad situation, if we ran out of something that we use even more than helium.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Proof of chemical reaction: it turns red, starts bubbling and smoke apears.


Proof of chemical reaction: it catches on fire, starts moving.


Proof of chemical reaction: sparks are made.


Proof of chemical reaction: catches on fire and starts moving.


Proof of chemical reaction: smoke apears, it cathes on fire and then explodes.


Proof of chemical reaction: white gas spreads around the pool.


Proof of chemical reaction: water explodes.


Proof of chemical reaction: foam starts rising, and becomes darker.
Proof of chemical reaction: smoke apears, it catches on fire and then more smoke apears.